Calling a service that returns Mono<Void> with RestTemplate I had a rest service that was implemented by Spring WebFlux. Was a POST that returned Mono. The client however was still using Rest...
Migration to Spring Boot, View Resolver
You wanna migrate your legacy java jsp servlet base application to Spring boot 2 and Java the latest? Though you should get ready beforehand but don’t get intimidated! When we wanted to migrate our...
Tensorflow "Command Speech" in my way. Windows platform CPU only
There is a good document in tensorflow github on how to train and test you neural network to make this work. However as a beginner with Tensorflow I had few bumps but I somehow managed to go throug...
Wicket Kendo Datatable, aw, problem solved. :)
I had to and I emphesize on this that I had to work on a Wicket 8 project which needed a grid with inline editing. Well in the beginning it sounds easy. Every single UI framework will provide you w...
Date/time picker with Wicket 8.
Upgraded to Wicket 8 and boom, your classic datepicker doesn’t work anymore. If so, take a look here. I have good news for you. :) I cannot agree more that [Wicket] is a weirdo choice for building ...
How to format java.util.Locale or any type of Object when serializing/deserializing using Jackson.
There are many tutorials out there about how to format LocalDate with Jackson, but what I was really missing was a custom Locale convertor. There are different formats and ISOs for displaying loca...
Sharing Code and Solutions
We are sharing solutions, smile! :) Yeah, sometimes bugs can drive developers crazy, especially if you google them and notice you are the only one in entire world having that problem! I believe all...